This brought to mind a woman in my old cong. who was 'wheelchair-bound', everyone had the greatest respect and sympathy for her in this disabled state, she had lots of help from everyone and was only too willing to accept it.... then one day I called on her at home unexpectedly and you could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw her standing up at the kitchen sink doing the dishes and then proceeded to walk across the room. A miracle!!!
Then there is the other woman who hobbles along with two sticks and has the same sympathies and fuss made over her... and yes, she has been caught rushing down the garden path to pick in her washing when it starts to rain, and walking her dog briskly along the road (in the dark!!) - not a stick in sight!! Another miracle!!
What hypocrisy and deceit they are showing, pretending to be more vulnerable and disabled than they really are.